Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Scrap'in Pockets

Hi all,
lm back to show you what l've been up to all of last week,  scrapping of course.
Back in late december David and l went on a holiday to Tasmania with my sister and her hubby and their son, we took oh sooooooooo many photos (about 700) and when l started to scrap them l soon realised that l had so many , there was just no way l was going to get it down, so then l decided, l had to go about it differently.
lm a big fan of the way Becky Higgins  and Ali Edwards  have been doing their scrap layouts lately and invested in new page pockets that are divided into different sized pockets on each page, l brought the multi pack, which has some 6x 6x4 - others that have 4x 6x4 and then a large pocket for larger photos or journaling, These page pockets are from We R Memory Keepers and l just love them, so l was able to get my whole album done in one week -YAY- and now intend on mixing them up with my 12x12, so then  l can use more photos , l still embellished some pockets and made up some journal tags , its still similar to 12x12 but not as fussy,  so here are a few pics, sorry if they are a bit blurry.

this page has 3 x 6x4 at the bottom and a 12x 6 at the top, and l just added a photo with the journal page.

this is the 9x 3x3 pocket page that l used for the letters of our first names, the date and months we went and the next page was for cropped pics.
these are the 6 x 6x4 pockets, and the journaling cards l made, sorry its not a good pic.
another 6x 6x4 pocket , which holds 5 photos and a embellished paper.
lm lov'in that l can still be decorative , do some journaling and get my pics scraped quicker, l have soooooooooooo many photos to do. This way of scrappin will not suit everybody, but for me right now , it fits into my life and makes me happy, for me at the moment, its about the photos and the story they tell, not so much the embellishments and decortive side of things.

Some thing else l wanted to share with you is my new challenge this week, l joined Ali Edwards and her  once yearly project called WEEK IN A LIFE,  and what it entails is taking photos and documenting your life for a week, its about all the little everyday things in life, things that might not seem real important but are lifes moments, then next year you will be able to look back and see whats changed, whats different to what you were doing 12 months ago, cant wait to scrap it all after the week is done, So l am doing it a little different , l normally scrap in 12x12, but lm going for 8.5 x 11 this time, l had a American Crafts chipboard Album in these size (l think thats what they call it ) but anyway its paintable, so l added paint and a strip of paper and added a very simple butterfly stamp  and my cover is done , heres a look.
and then l thought l'd do a front page before l started to add my pics and documents, l want to keep this album simple, really lik'in anything simple and uncomplicated at the moment.
So thats it, until l get my week in pics done, will be back to show you how it all turned out,  hope you all are having a great day, please leave a comment , l'd love to hear from you and get your feedback...........anyway cheers for now ............kate xx

1 comment:

  1. You pages look Great Kate! What a fabulous idea... Looking forward to seeing the Week in the life pages. Cheers Kylie
