Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Well good morning to you all, hope you are all keeping warm,  l love all the different seasons, and look forward to them all , they all bring something new, in winter  l love to stay inside and get lots of my craft projects done, its been soooooooooo yukky and wet and cold,  l have been doing lots of scrapping , but in a new form this week,  We spent a week in Tasmania over the Christmas break and l wanted to finish off that album, but with so many holiday snaps, l felt it all a bit overwelming, so l purchased some new divided page pockets from WeR Memory Keepers and lve been able to get most of it done but in a more simple way and lm lovin this new approach, l can still journal and embellish and tell my story but not have to worry to much about layout design, these page pockets are similar to what Becky Higgins and Ali Edwards use, and are great if you have lots of photos you need to scrap and want a quick and easy way to do it and still make it look great, sorry , but l haven't had time to take any shots of these yet , so will try and get around to that in my next post, but l will share with you a page l did on my grt grandparent, this is Thomas an Sophia on their wedding day, back in 1889,  l have used the beautiful Websters pages , ( love their papers) this is not how l would normally do a wedding page , and l dont know if you will be able to see in the photo, that Sophia has a spray of daisies on her hat, so l went with that theme.

l love this photo, and so lucky to have it,  l dont have any photos of my grandparents  (on both sides) of their weddings, they we married in the years of the depression (1930's) and had no money, its such a same, and my other grandparents, lost alot of photos in the floods, so no one in the family seems to know if there was ever a wedding pic of them or not, so l feel very blessed to have this one of my grt grandparents.
And getting back to the other joys of winter, lm sharing some pics of my garden today, not much in it this time of the year, but l do have a weeping tree, cant remember if its a apricot or almond, it is the first of the blossom trees to flower and it blooms in mid winter every year and reminds me that spring is not that far away and everything in life seems to look brighter and better, and warmer days ...YAY..

isn't the flower soooooooooo pretty.

My daffodils are popping up .....YAY...

and to my amazement l still have a few roses in bloom , that l should have finished pruning by now, lol , oh well,  it will get done ........one day,  so whatever your doing today, keep warm..............kate xxx

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