Monday, 8 August 2011

Week In A Life

Hey there happy bloggers, lm back, l think l told you all that l was doing Week in a life with the Wonderful Ali Edwards, so lm sort of finished, l have only friday to complete, (waiting for hubby to get a few photos l need off his phone ) so lm going to show you a bit of what lve done.
l have used a 8.5 x 11 album, first time scrapping in one and l quite enjoyed it, lm not going to show you every page, none of it was done digi, as l have no idea on that, so its the old fashioned way or nothing.

first page, stating what time lm getting up at the moment, instead of making all my pages, l went for a colour theme , duck egg blues, browns, white , a bit of grey , most of my photos were printed in sepia.

l printed up my journaling of what l did for the day and what times, added a few stamps and paper, another hint from Ali was to make smaller pockets and sew a seam down the side of your pocket and cut the rest off, or use it for another long photo, paper, journaling block, whatever you desire l suppose, on the backof these smaller pages, l used cropped photos and more journaling.

Sorry, this photo turned out a bit blurry.

This is our son in his new clean (but not for long) white overalls, off to his pre- apprentiship , l drive him to the station and get there at 6.15am.

frosty mornings and gardening.

this is our cheeky dog , who loves to sneek in under the bed blankets when no one is looking.

record of a few prices, postage stamp, a trim at the hairdresser.

places l went.

housework and nightly train pick up.

nothing on tv - so we relax reading or on the computer, our eldest son has moved home for a bit, so he has his bed in the living room.

this is sunday, with some raffle tickets David brought, dont think we won (Doh) and lastly just a short over view of what we are all doing in our life right now.

so that was part of my week, what did you all do, hope you all enjoyed looking at my week, its now back to normal scrapping, family tree and cardmaking, will show you some chrissy cards we did for class in the next couple of days, cheers for now, thanks for stopping by............kate xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is such a classy colour scheme, and the sepia photos blend in so beautifully. A joy to look at, thank-you!
