Monday, 13 June 2011

Playing catch up

For the last couple of weeks l've  been madly scrapp'in away, trying to get through the mountain of family tree scrapbooking that l have, so that mean't a mountain of housework and ironing that has'nt been done, but any how ,so  today was the day, so l also decided while l had to do this put off chore , l would watch a dvd,  the colour purple has been on my mind since l watched  the oprah farewell show and a few scenes were shown, and l remembered what a classic it was, such a moving story, and as always , a few little tears at the end,  and then l remembered my sister-in-laws birthday this week and threw together a simple card, she's not the over fussy type, so l did'nt want to over do it,.
Also wanted to share some exciting news , its taken months to arrive in the shop , but finally here to look at in print, dah da, my first ever layout in scrapbooking memories. feeling very proud right now.
Now the exciting bits over,  l suppose l'd better get this ironing done, Doh,  So whatever your doing today, have a good one and thanks for looking, will be back with some scrap'in layouts shortly............................kate

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