Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Family Tree

Hi all,  as promised l said l would show you some of my family tree work, l have been working on this for about 2 years now, l started it many years ago when my children were little, and then never got back to it, then many years later  my beautiful sister asked me for the info l had and it all started again,  by this time l had been scrappin for years, so l started to scrap our tree, above are 3 of 6 albums that l have finshed, but so much more to go, l still have lots of files to get through, and it will get done.
When l first started scrapbooking 7 years ago, it was all about the creative side of things,  and not so much the journaling ,then as we collected photos from lots of family members, l also felt l needed to know about these people from our past, what was their story ?, some information has been very limited,  which made me think more about why we should document our lives, and tell our story for our grandchildren  & great grandchildren to come, so that will be another album after the family tree is finshed.
So this is where it all began back in a seaside town in Bridlington England in the early 1800's, then sailing to Australia to begin a new life,  here are my grt grt grandparents, Isaac & Sarah Jane Bell, they went on to have 13 children. This is part of my mums side.
And this is my grt grt grandparents on my dads side,  Andrew & Mary Ann Gorrie.
So remember when you scrap, dont forget to document, even a little bit, lets keep our history and memories alive, hope your having a great day and dont forget to check back and check out some more scrap'in and cards...................kate

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