Thursday, 16 June 2011

Happiness with a touch of sadness

Eleven days ago our cat Squeaky went missing, which was so unlike him, and we thought we'd lost him for good, its such a terrible feeling not knowing where he was ,if he was hurt somewhere and couldnt get home, l prayed he would come home,  and yesterday afternoon he came hobbling down the driveway, with a injuryed back leg, as soon as l saw him l knew it would be a trip to the vet.
So up to the vets we went and a few hours later,  after x-rays , we were told we had 2 options, we either had to put him down or his very badly broken leg had to be amputated, so we decieded to amputate, l couldnt stand the thought of putting him to sleep , when the rest of him was ok, so after his little sleep over at the vets, l was able to bring him home this morning, he is walking with a little trouble but doing well, he will need lots of love and rest, our dog lu-lu loves him to bits and is so glad to see him home.

And while he was resting with me in my scrap room, where he just loves to sit under the window and lap up the sunshine, l made a card for my aunty who turns 80 next week, l hope she likes it.
l also wanted to show you a few more family tree pages l've done lately, lve been trying to keep it quick and simple since lve just finshed album number 6 and still pently of files to go, l felt l needed to keep it simple but nice.
This is a wedding photo of my grt grandfathers sister Charlotte and husband Charles, and the next layout is my grt grandfathers niece  Janet Maude Gorrie on her wedding day, Janets was the youngest of 5 and her mother died when she was 10  weeks old , she was raised by Charlotte and Charles,  lve used both scrapbooking materials and stamp'in up  materials, l was having a day of using black and brown colours, which l love together.
And this  layout is of Charlotte and Charles children.
Hope you've enjoyed looking at my work , have a great day.................kate

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