Saturday, 18 June 2011

Home Decor - Homemade

Homemade items are so nice, l love going to the market and buying homemade jams and pickles, l also love making things for my home, Years ago l was a folk art teacher and l had many painted pieces to decorate our country cottage,  l use to sew and make country quilts and bears and dolls, my life is now filled with scrapbooking and cardmaking, and maybe, just maybe one day l will get back and finish off the 3 quilts or was it 4, that l was doing,  but times have changed and l've decluttered, but l still love that vintage look even though l have a more modern home, l love to mix the old with the new., and l try not to go for the latest in decor fashion, l just make or buy what l like now, weather its in fashion or not and mix it with what l have.
 Here's a photo frame that our daughter gave us for chirstmas in 2009, she had moved out of home and was only working part time, so could only afford to put in a few photos, l had left the other spaces blank, and was always going to put more photos in , but never got around to it, so after looking at it for 12 months l decided l didnt want anymore photos in it , and l would vamp it up with other bits and pieces.

l made black cardstock boarders and white panels and added either rub-ons and felt vintage strips, l wanted a simple vintage feel, and l just love it, here are some close ups.

      And also,  l wanted to show you a picture l made for my bedroom,  So whatever your doing today, have a good one ........................kate                                                                                                                                                                  

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