Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Hi all, well here we are at week 21, and life's moving quickly, it wont be long and we will be half way through the year, where does the time go,this weeks spread starts off with my new love, WASHI TAPE, lve seen many girls use this and really haven't been sure if it was really me, but after seeing some at Make-a Page this week l thought l'd give it a go, well l'm just lov'in this stuff, and dont know how l've managed to go without it for so long, l brought 2 packets, a tim Holtz and Hambly studios and used it all through my pockets this week, l hope its not overload- LOL.
Other parts of my week included running my son back and forth to the doctors and physio, after he hurt his back at work, and more happy scrap news when my little package of goodness turned up from America from Nicole Reaves with her stamps, so l kept her packaging because l so loved what she had put on the back - HOORAY FOR HAPPY MAIL.
This week lve included a insert with a pic of me and my scrap'in friend Kylie, she has a scrap business just around the corner from me and on Tuesday has a open day, just wrote some journalling on how grateful l am for her, she is always happy to get prouducts l need and Tuesday is a great day to catch up with Lyn and Ann who also go there to scrap, and l was dying to use my new paper pack from Echo Park , called NOTE TO SELF, lovin that, on the back of the insert is about a card l made for a very old friend , who's mother had passed during the week.
Page 2 - lve had this home tin for quite a long time and l store larger scrap tools in and it was only the other day that l noticed what the smaller writing said, HOME IS WHERE OUR STORY BEGINS, well how true is that, also wanted to add a quote this week, my mum has and still has quotes all over the house, so we have been brought up on them, l love how they really make you think, so lve added one from Helen Keller this week, also added a little conversation David and l had and popped in a pic of us with a love transparency, and added in my docket from my pre-paid phone, so that was another wonderful week at my home, cant wait to see what everybody else has been up to, have a great week and enjoy the pics.
Thanks for looking- leave a comment, l'd love to hear from you........cheers


  1. Hi Kate, welcome to washi addiction!!!! I now own over 50 rolls of the stuff and still find more that I want to buy! Thanks for the reminder for using quotes, something I want to do, then forget about. My pages will be up tomorrow when then some light to take the photos.

  2. Hi Kate! Love your picture of your new washii tape. It is totally addicting! I also love your "home" card that you used. Hope you have a great week!

  3. I love the look of your 6X12 insert and am glad you jumped on the washi tape bandwagon. I just bought my first roll but have yet to use it. I'm kinda nervous that I may love it and go overboard.

  4. Looks great!! I love those 6X12 pages aren't they so nice!! Love how you use your handwriting and print some as well...looks so cool together!
