Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Good afternoon everyone and morning to some, depending on where you live, while most people on the other side of the world are enjoying their spring, we here in Oz have just turned to winter and OH my, its starting to get oh so cold, last week l walked around the town taking pics of the Hertiage buildings in our town, and boy was it cold, my poor hands were frozen, and l thought why am l doing this on such a cold day,this is crazy,but l so love doing PL l continued on with the mission.
I have taken heaps of town photos, but lm not putting them all in this week, l thought ld just do some extra pockets and add them in at the end of this album, which is nearly full, l will trying to fit 26 weeks into 1 album and then its time for a new one,  at the moment l have my PL in a white American Crafts 3 ring album, but because its constantly getting handled and used, the white cover is getting a bit grotty, so l have lashed out and brought the black album from Becky Higgins, cant wait for it to arrive. so anyway on to my week.
On the weekend we enjoyed a trip to a place called Great Western, David has been doing up and old 1935 chevy pickup and is always on the look out  for parts, he spotted this treasure or rust bucket however you want to see it on Ebay and was able to just go and get the parts he needed off it, it was a 3 hr trip and we took a different route on the way home and went through some beautiful Historic towns, which we thought we would love to go back and check them out, we both love our History.but anyway l seem to be rambling here..............., so we went to Great Western, and while we were there it just so happens that it is also the resting place of my GRT GRT GRT Grandparents from Scotland, we actually were on a grave hunt about 12 months ago and went to see this grave but because we had been to so many cemeteries on the day l forgot about the flowers, so since we were in the area l picked the last bunch of flowers from my garden and popped them on their grave, James and Margaret Mc Ouat  arrived in Victoria from Stirlingshire in Scotland in 1853 with 4 of their 6 children, and only months after arrival they lost their 2 daughters, they had also lost 2 other daughters in Scotland, Margaret died in 1869 and James in 1887.
I have included 2 inserts this week , one on the gravesite and one on the old treasure truck.

Next page are the town pics and the beautiful arching trees that l see everyday, when l drive down our street and come to the crossroad this is what l see the  beauty of art in nature, and just a few  details about the town becoming established , l love how all the old buildings had these wonderful arches, so here are the pics
So thats it this week, wishing you all well for another week  of PL.........cheers for now


  1. Looks great! I love the large lettering used!

  2. Fab pages. Love the photos of the old buildings, and the evocative photo of your Scottish ancestors' graves!
    Honeycomb element is cool too.

  3. Awesome pages Kate. Love the spread with the historic buildings and your journalling in the middle.

  4. Fantastic ideas here Kate... You are an inspiration :)
    I love that you froze your way around Romsey to take these awesome pictures!! You can stop by and warm yourself by my fire anytime.xx
