Monday, 25 June 2012


Welcome to week 25- Wow we are nearly half way through the year, can you believe it, This week has been a bit sad here, My uncle has been struggling with cancer for the last 15 months and on Friday he lost his battle, but also a blessing that he is in no more pain, so we say Good-bye to him,  l made all of Kens family a card each, l used the old world camera from one of Ali Edwards stamp sets and some Tim Holtz washi tape the had cogs and mechanic bits on it as he was a keen photographer and he also loved making things and of anything, mucking aroung with nuts and bolts and screws, so l thought that was the sort of card his family might like. Monday and Wednesday , David back at the dentist and they have finally taken out the tooth that was given him trouble after much debate over why he wanted it out,this tooth had already been filled twice and the dentist wanted to do a root canel for the price of 1,800, 00 - like who can afford that anyway, just imagine all the scrapping goodies l could buy -LOL.
Popped in other quote in the top corner which says- AS YOU GIVE JOY TO EVERY PERSON YOU MEET, YOU BRING JOY TO YOU, THE MORE YOU CAN GIVE JOY TO OTHERS THE MORE YOU BRING BACK TO YOU, This is from the book The secret.

I think buy now anyone who has been reading my Project Life blog will know how much l love my books and last week l had documented that so far this year l had read the total of 15, well you can add a few more now, when we were at Clunes looking around the book shops the other week, l came across one of the books in a set of 5 that l wanted to read, this happen to be the second book, so l grabed it and thought l'd read it and if it was any good then l'd try and find the others, well l could put it down and had it read in a day and a half, so l looked around  ebay and found the others and have now read 3 and on to the 4th, the book called the long table is bits and pieces of her life with her favorite family recipes, these books are on Marys life,  her day to day struggles and heartache along the way, finding a long lost sister after 50 years, an affair in France , how she deals with a mid life changes ,  and so on, Mary was a well know T.V presenter on a garden show in Austraila  and at the age of 50 decided to throw it all in and move to France on her own for 6 months, some critics bagged her out for airing her dirty linen, but l think she's one gutsy women for telling the world her  story, and the other bits this week is about  a wonderful horse called BLACK CAVIAR, what a beauty she is, she has had 22 starts and 22 wins, AMAZING, this week she raced at Royal Ascot in England and won by a nose, l think now she has proved to be one of the greatest horses in history and they should bring her home  and let her rest and breed from her, instead of thinking about the money she is making for the owners,to much greed in this world,  my grandfather was a horse trainer and l do love going to the racers every now and then, but  David and l are not betting people but we love watching her race, so we stayed up after midnight to watch her race , her racing colours are salmon and black., so thats about it from me this week............cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Great pages as always Kate! So sorry to hear about your uncle but as you say, good that he is not in pain any more. The card you made is such a lovely keepsake.
