Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Welcome to PLweek 30, where oh where is the time going, here we are at week 30 already and christmas will be here before we know it,  This week we have a pic of brody and olivia,  Olivia hates her photo being taken, so it took a while to convince her to have it taken after what seemed like  forever nagging her , she finally gave in after Brodys comment that l wouldn't leave them alone till l had a photo, he said 'Now you know what its been like here for 17 years. LOL.
During the week l started taking the dogs walking again, they absolutely love this and l always feel so much better after a good walk, the only problem is that when Lu-lu sees another dog all she wants to do is try and fight with them, which makes it difficult as so many people use the same track, l think we might have to do a bit more training, as she thinks the walk track belongs to her and on the day l took her and gus together it was even worse , its a bit hard to try and control both dogs, when other animals are arounds, l think l will have to come up with plan B on the exercise program.
On friday after card class l went out to lunch with the girls, lve been so lucky finding a great bunch of girls in this area- who are so fun to be with and lots of laughter, while we were at lunch, we bumped into Annie Phelan , one of our local actress's in the area, Annie  has played many TV roles over the years and at the moment she is in Winners & Losers, she is such a lovely down to earth lady and was happy to have her photo taken with us.  On sunday l taught a childrens card class at the neighbourhood house, and while l was out David whiped up some steak and kidney pies for himself, he was a chef in another life and l dont eat pies and l dont do kidney at AT ALL ,so he has to make them himself. The back part of my insert this week is a little story on my Mum and Dad,  they have been seperated since l was about 10 ,and it did take many years before they saw eye to eye on many things, but for the past 28 years they have had a great friendship, they see each other most days for a cuppa together, Mum invites dad for tea, he is always invited to family gatherings, dad even helps mum around the house, theres a quote that says FAMILY- WE MIGHT NOT HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER BUT TOGETHER WE HAVE IT ALL,  and this is so our Family, so the story goes that on Sunday Mum & Dad went out for lunch together, to celebrate what would have been 50 years of marriage, l thought this was so funny, but a beautiful story of a great friendship, l really think they would be lost without each other.

So that was week 30, hope you have all had a good one.


  1. These pages are so rich in detail and memory - and lovely to look at. I was a little alarmed at the mention of the C word - yikes!

    1. thanks Alexa, really love this project, sorry to bring up the C word so early ????

  2. Lovely Kate - do I see a few lovely things from Polka Dot Creative there? Love the divided photo of your dog and those pies look delicious!

    1. Thanks Sarah, oh yes, lov'in PDC , jodie has so much wonderful goodies for PL, Will need to keep adding insert to use it, now waiting for pre order for Amy Tangerine goodies

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Katie, l cant take the credit, my hubby made them, they are steak and kidney.
