Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hi all and welcome to PL week 29, this week we have had better weather, still cold but not icy, things are happening in my garden and sprring feels like its on its way and l cant wait, spring is my favorite month, even though some days it can still be quite cold , but it also seems that the worst of the winter weather is nearly over and the sun will shine again- Yay for spring.
This week lve used a tag from Cosmo Cricket as part of my title with a couple of Jenni Bowlin number banners, love that little yellow flower on the tag, this week l found my first daffadil in the garden, other years my bulbs have flowered in spring and even though l can see them getting to that stage, l was suprised to see one in bloom, l added a sticker from MME which says  SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU, its a real joy to see some yellow in my garden, it always makes me feel good.
Other things this week, is a picture of a bandaid on my arm, as it was time to get my hormone levels checked, so l had to have a blood test. Also in the garden this week my winter roses are in flower, hellebores are their proper name, so pretty in winter.

On Friday it was time to take Lu-Lu our dog over to get her clip, l had been putting it off as it is still so cold, lm really not fussed on her fur being cut , l prefer to have her with a bit of length, but oh well at least it grows and in a couple of weeks she will look normal again, l haven't take a pic of her because l had so many other photos to add to my spread this week.
So our day in Kyneton while we waited for Lu-Lu is spent in Piper St, where most of the historic buildings still stand, years ago this street was dying and has now been revamped into a wonderful place to eat and have coffee and lots of little shops , some with Antiques and Art, others that have country and industrail items, its always fun to look around and stroll the streets and look at all the old buildings, in this street they have left all the original signage, which l love,  most of it dating back to the 1920s and is now all hertiage listed, So lve added pics of these .

So here we have one of the painted walls, and a pic of some art work in one of the windows, you can really see the drawing, it is a pic of a cow , a sheep and a pig  standing on top of eachother, and the owls are from the same shop, they are made of some sort of plaster and are plant holders , l thought they were quirky and cute. The bike paper is from MME and the badge from  Studio Calico, love their stuff.  This page is a page pocket D that l have cut down .

The reverse side of this pocket has a leaflet advertising art classes which l would love to do one day, they are ink paintings, the artist also hand paints ink cards and they sit in this collection of antique wooden sewing machine draws, very affective.

My one and only daffadil, but oh so pretty.

Door signage and my winter roses.
Mr Carsisi make a great chamomlie tea, and more signage at the local nursery.

More advertising at the industrail shop, and a couple of filler cards, the archive sticker are from October Afternoon.

A closer look at one of the handpainted cards, its a bit hard to see, but its a parrot on a branch, love those little birdies, so theres another week, thanks for looking and if your passing by my blog and have found it interesting please take the time to say hi and leave a comment, l would love to hear from you...........cheers


  1. Great job Kate, I love the little tea cups and details. Looks like a lovely place to visit, with lots of nooks to poke in and find new treasures.

    1. thanks Katie, it is a great spot, lots of lovely items to drool over, the little tea cups are from stampin up, they are so cute

  2. Hi Kate!

    How I wish there's a lot of antique shops here in our country or street like that. I would like to visit that kind of place and enjoy the treasure goodies. :)While sunny days are making you happy over there rainy seasons here did the same thing. :) and filler cards are savers don't you think?

    1. Hi Tracy, Piper street is so beautiful, l love going there, but as usual all these nice places can be expensive, but its also so nice to look and get ideas, sorry to hear you dont have a nice place near you to visit like this.

  3. Lots of pretty things to see here ...really like how your project life has so many rich details.

    1. Hi Alexa, some weeks can bit a bit of a challenge, but theres always something to take a photo of

  4. Great pages Kate - love all the signage this week. The ink drawing are gorgeous too - I would love to do art classes one day!

    1. Hi Sarah, l have a real thing about signage and old advertising, l just love it. Years ago before scrapbooking l use to teach folk art, and have wanted to go back and do more painting for a long time , this week l found the perfect teacher for me and have booked in to learn watercolour art, lm very excited.
