Monday, 16 July 2012


Hi Project Lifers, this year is certainly zooming by quick and here we are at week 28, this week l have bulbs popping up in my garden everywhere, cant wait for spring when they are in flower, l did a 6x8 this week of bulbs just starting to shoot up in my garden urn , l was also  able to catch this beautiful little honeyeater bird outside my kithen window, he or she is so pretty.
A few weeks ago a brought the series on dvd called Larkrise to Candleford, what a great series it was to from BBC, the same people who have made Downtown Abbey, it is based on the true story of a young girls life growing up in a small market town in the late 1800's, in England, it was brilliant . This week was also my Dads birthday, he turned 73 on friday the 13th ,  Happy Birthday Dad ,David flew to Sydney for a work meeting, l cooked some yummy choc gluten free  and 80% less sugar muffins on sunday, this week l also became a distributor for magnesium Karma rub, and lastly just some silly pics of me being silly of course, here are the pics.

so theres week 28 done and dusted, hope you all have a good one ...............kate


  1. I would like to know more about the karma rub Kate. great pages once again, mine will be up in the morning as I've only just finished and I'm heading to bed now.

  2. Lovely pages Kate - those muffins look amazing! We loved Larkrise too - we watch all those shows!
