Thursday, 12 July 2012


Hi  to all and hello to week 27 and hello to cold frosty mornings, that was part of things captured this week , we have lived on top of a hill for the past 5 years and its not every often we get frost up near our house, but this week it looked like it had snowed it was so white,  it was on our gravel paths and a light covering on top of my hedges, it all looked quite pretty.
This week l added some packaging from some scrap goodies l got, that little camera is the cutest.
And this week we meet Olivia- Olivia is the new girlfriend of our youngest boy, this is the 2nd girlfriend that we know of this year, lucky l was able to go back and check when that was , week 6, so that didn't last long, well anyway Olivias here now and has fallen in love with our animals and dont ya think they are lapping up all the attention, Olivias not fussed on her photo been taken ( another one) so we have some picks  of her with puss in a 6 x 12 insert, on the back side of this are pics of the bonfire that was lit on saturday night, Todd invited his mates  who he grew up with and they cooked a spit and they drank to all hours of the morning, and we got rid of 5 years worth of rubbish - yay.
lv'e popped in another quote this week, l thought one on friendship would go well considering Todd had his mates here- FRIENDS ARE  THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT IN THE RECIPE OF LIFE., So heres the spread.
Frost in the paddocks and in my garden.

well there goes another week, thanks for looking, c u all next week


  1. oh I love this weeks layout, well done.

  2. Lovely as usual Kate. Gret photos and I love the 'Hello July' card!
